Chocolate VS Sex: Who Wins Your Heart?

There isn't a defined set of pleasures in life.People can find pleasure in the most common things. Food, books, art, movies, sport, nature, good company. Or the most ridiculous ones. Especially those that we will never admit (to both ourselves and others). But there are two activities that make 99% of the population agree: having sex and eating chocolate.It's scientifically proven that these two can give a sparkle of joy to the grayest days. The question is: which one is THE BEST?The infinite dilemma on whether chocolate is better than sex or vice versa must have begun thousands of years ago. Olmecs and Mayans were supposedly the first to have these two pleasures at their disposal at the same time. Even though their chocolate was more bitter and their sex less comfortable, they probably faced the same indecision.Try answering this question now:"If you had to give up chocolate or sex for 3 MONTHS, which one would you choose?"You see, it's not and chocolateAlthough it is a personal preference, there are objective differences and similarities that make one activity more preferable than the other. Of course it also depends on the luck in finding a good match for both experiences. Bad chocolate and bad sex partners can ruin it all even with the best premises.Let's begin with the things chocolate and sex have in common.WHY CHOCOLATE AND SEX ARE THE SAME:

  • both involve the 5 senses - you can touch, smell, hear, look and taste chocolate like you would a human body.
  • both can be a quickie or a long satisfying experience - depending on your schedule, you can opt for a 2 hour tasting with friends and 6 chocolate bars, or a quick bite before heading out to an appointment. At the same time, you can have either a romantic night from dinner to breakfast, or a 2 hour encounter out of urgency.
  • both don't last - no matter how good the experience might have been, chocolate and sex offer fleeting moments. Sweet or sour memories will be the only things left.
  • both can involve several participants - pleasure amplifies when you share the fun. Tasting chocolate with other cacao aficionados is a very entertaining experience, just as much as having more than one guest inside the bed.
  • both release a lot of chemicals - dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin. All feeling-good stuff that we experience during these activities. Few other things can compare.
  • both can create addictions - no doubt that good sex and good chocolate make us come back for more.
  • both can disappoint - we have all encountered brands/batches/bars and sexual partners that let us down. Better get over them soon and move on to the next one.

Now let's analyze what makes one better than the other.WHY CHOCOLATE IS BETTER THAN SEX:

  • it can't turn you into a parent - no sweeter contraceptive than chocolate. Pleasure and satisfaction without 10 minutes of anxious wait in front of a pregnancy test. 28 days of paradisiac relaxation.
  • it doesn't require any physical preparation - the joy of eating chocolate with unshaved legs and wild beard, anyone?
  • it doesn't create awkward situations - chocolate doesn't talk politics, religion, exes or marriage expectations. It's the best lover of all: it shuts up and just does the job.
  • it's available any time you want it - forget about having to fit into your lover's schedule. You can have a date with chocolate any time, any day, any place. Make sure it doesn't melt and you are good to go.


  • it burns calories - dark chocolate is not an unhealthy food. It does have its fair share of fat content though. Sex is calorie-free, and actually a great exercise for the body.
  • it gives deeper emotions - the chances of apathetic sex are not that high to consider eating chocolate an activity more emotional than having sex. At least most of the times.
  • it provides the joy of physical contact - you can rub the surface of a chocolate bar as much as you want, but let's face it. It could never compare to touching a warm living body.

Who wins your heart then?If you are still tormented by guessing the best answer, here is your solution.The pleasures offered by good chocolate and good sex can be well-packaged together. A tasting before, after or (preferably) during sex is the alternative that you have been looking for all this time. An explosion of excitement and satisfaction that you shouldn't deprive your senses from experiencing. Your sex life will never be the same.Would YOU choose Sex or Chocolate?I did NOT get paid and did NOT receive any kind of favor for writing this article. These are my honest opinions at your service.